Unlike others, we do not promise or guarantee any amount of annual returns to our clients. It is our belief that making such a promise or guarantee of returns to anyone is morally wrong, absolutely unethical, and totally impossible in the trading and investing universe as no one is in control of the markets.
However, we are confident that our clients would take consistent profits over time with our algorithms.
We need to understand that our annual return (an aspect that is beyond the direct control of anyone) is an output of the amount of risk (an aspect that you can directly control) you put into your portfolio.
In other words, risk is the input to your portfolio and return is the output. It's this straightforward.
Instead of promising or guaranteeing any amount of annual returns to our clients, we apply our expertise to control our market risk exposure and let the market determine our annual returns with our suite of trading algorithms.
In so doing, we let our profits do the talking. Period.
Sustainable Portfolio Growth
Through the use of our trading algorithms, our clients can expect sustainable growth in their portfolios over time.
Unlike others, we don't believe in astronomical, short-term growth in the trading and investing universe as they very often entail excessive or even mindless risk taking that is contrary to our trading methodology and philosophy of sustainable growth.
We view the trading and investing universe as a marathon and NOT a sprint. As such, we are more concerned about potential risk than the possibility of a huge profit. We approach the Forex market on a "Slow and Steady Wins the Race" basis. We are in this trading business for the long term and we look for clients who see the same view as we do.
We believe that even with a single-digit growth annually in a sustained manner, clients can grow their portfolios faster than they can ever imagine.
It is what they have always wanted. It is the promise we keep.
Time and Effects of Compounding
The key to our trading strategy is not about one-time astronomical annual returns but the passage of time.
When our clients start early with us, they give the maximum amount of time and the effect of compounding to work for them, and thereby improving their prospects of growing their portfolios.
For example, assuming a client with a trading capital amount of $500,000 compounded at only 5% annually over 10 years will return him $814,447 or a Return on Investment (ROI) of 62.89%.
If the same is compounded over 30 years, it will return him $2,160,971 or a Return on Investment of 332.19%. A huge difference of 269.3% in your Return on Investment between the 2 time periods.
As you can see from the modest example above, the power of time and the effect of compounding cannot be understated. To us, this is a great way to make our money work harder – which is the secret to building long-lasting, multi-generational wealth. This is the idea we want our clients to adopt when they became our clients.
To see actual performance, go here.
"People with good intentions make promises. People with good character keep them."
- Victor Ang
(UEN: 201928835M)
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